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The #4 Sign You Really Have a Customer Loyalty Strategy

Business Team Solutions 
The operations team takes ownership for continuously improving service quality and consistency.

Operational excellence and customer loyalty are highly correlated but they are not the same.  Traditional measures of operational quality can be audited, but they do not reflect the Voice of the Customer.  You need to constantly assess your company’s performance through the eyes of customers.  Operations must “own” the customer experience improvement strategy and be accountable for achieving measurable targets that demonstrate high levels of customer loyalty. This creates a great competitive advantage because a great customer experience is the hardest thing for competitors to copy.  It’s hard to copy because it’s hard to deliver in the first place!   

Signs that you really have a Customer Loyalty strategy

  1. Senior management is committed to measuring – and improving – the customer experience.
  2. Measurement targets are expressed as a percentage of highly satisfied customers.
  3. Focus is on the key drivers of customer loyalty.
  4. Your operations team takes ownership for continuously improving service quality and consistency.

Image via Shutterstock 

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